
Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Round Robins writing


I think it was very good to do rounding robins because there were a lot of thinking in the group and most people were not thinking in the other groups. I think it will be good for most people that can listen to instruction. i really liked how we were passing the paper around the circle and we were writing on the paper and finishing off the narrative. and we had to write it for 5 mins


Ana @ Glen Innes School said...

Bula Vinaka Cappella
I liked the way how you write so many of the words in your paragraph.It was hard for me trying to think and think but unless we write some sentences.Tell me what was difficult for you?

Saimua said...

Fakalofa lahi atu Capella
I also thought that it was a good idea to do this because it could help other people and I also liked how they were passing it around and carrying on the story from the other peoples perspective but I really enjoyed it as well as you did. is we had the chance to do this again what would you change?

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