
Wednesday 30 August 2017

A life of a real ball

A long long ago. “there was a real life of a beach ball.There was one kids and their parents . They took their beach ball to the beach”. Then their was a big howl of  wind that went  straight past and blew the beach ball away then the dad and the mum said that we better go back to our hotel and there  was a little weep for the little boy where did my beach ball go. Said the little boy that went crying to his mum and dad

The same day. The little boy wanted to find his. Beach ball just as the wind calmed down. And that family was going to have a walk on the beach and the boy seen something and it was a beach ball.   

I have to work harder on compounds

Friday 18 August 2017

My Simple Toy

The focus for this term is simple machines. So since our topic is simple machines, my teacher said to make a simple machine of our own at home using a pulley or wheel and axle. And have made a cardboard  car and used:

I used:
1 Cardboard
2 Pencils
3 Paper

4 And a piece of straw

Thursday 17 August 2017

Balloon Volleyball


We had volley last Friday we had balloon volleyball it was awesome and fun

Newspaper Art

Write  a procedure for newspaper art.
White paint
Black pen
Coloured paper


1 Think of a sports position.
2 Practice it on a piece of paper.
3 Copy it from the newspaper.
4 Paint it white or yellow.
5 Leave it to dry.
6 Grab a black paint or vidd and outline.
7 Leave to dry.
8 Tear your artwork gently.
9  Stick it to a fame.

Wednesday 16 August 2017

Mr Hendricks Challenge


Last week on Friday Mr Hendricks said that he could lift the biggest and heaviest up with his thumb and he did he lifted up Rebecca with a long wood and a lever and what Mr Hendricks did he put the long wood on the lever and told Rebecca to jump on the end with the lever on the right and that was the side Rebecca got on to..

Monday 7 August 2017

Boys helping

The boys were  just cleaning the other side that Mr Hendrick is just going to mark a volleyball court because the year 8 are going to a sport camp so they need to practice volleyball so that they can get better

Thursday 3 August 2017

comparing frations

This week we used inequality signs <, > and = to compare fractions.
On Monday we used materials. This was easy/difficulty/confusing/problematic for me because… it was confusing that we learnt about the signs using materials that we can be using and there will even and equal. But the pieces that we were using was Half,whole,three,fourths pieces.and the teacher Mrs ramkalawon said that it was a crocodile's mouth  


On Tuesday we used a fraction chart. This was easy/difficulty/confusing/problematic for me because…it was easy because i used my two finger on the fraction chart and then we could see and use our finger to point the and see the fraction numbers on the chart

Photo of fraction chart

On Wednesday  we worked without the above.  We learnt a strategy which was .. to make the denominator the same and times the denominator the same  The  knowledge required to solve to  problems this way is … to use the value and have to know your times tables.
This was easy/difficulty/confusing/problematic for me because…  this was confusing i don’t know all of my times time tables only go up to 10xs

On Thursday we worked through more examples. I know/understand /need more practice/still confused/lost/ because…i need to learn more of times tables  I will do …what i will do is that i have to learn more of the time tables.

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Football skills

Today we had football skills with Steve today and
There were some people that came from room 6
join us to  do football and there are some skills
That i can do and i can not do and here the skills
What i can do?

2.Outer Foot
3.Inner Foot
11. Pass

I really like playing football of good because
I was Good at kicking the ball and there
was heaps of good people in the classroom
That was good at football  just for skills.

Netball is sort of the same because it is
Like football because there is a ball played
With both the games that have a ball
But there is one thing that is netball is played
With hands and football is played with feet that

Is why it is called football.